What are Chakras?

Welcome to Jennifer Lynch's Osteopathy and Wellness Coaching Newsletter

March 2024 Volume 1

What are Chakras?

The term "chakra" originates from Sanskrit, translating to "wheel," symbolizing the intricate energy hubs residing within the human body. These seven significant chakras align parallel to the spinal column, commencing from the sacrum and ascending towards the pinnacle of the head.

What are the Seven main Chakras?

Each of the seven main chakras possess a unique identity characterized by a designated name, vibrant colour, specific alignment in the spine, and a distinct focus on individual health and well-being.

  1. Root Chakra

  2. Sacral Chakra

  3. Naval Chakra (Solar Plexus)

  4. Heart Chakra

  5. Throat Chakra

  6. Third-Eye Chakra

  7. Crown Chakra

Why are they important to the Human Body?

Each chakra corresponds to specific bundles of nerves, major organs, and distinct areas of our energetic body that play a pivotal role in influencing both our emotional and physical well-being. The fundamental concept behind chakras is that when each one is in a state of openness, energy flows seamlessly through them. Conversely, if a chakra becomes blocked, it not only impacts the related anatomy but also leads to emotional imbalances within us.

What to look forward to?

Over the next few months, each newsletter will be dedicated to exploring the intricacies of each chakra, delving into the unique characteristics and significance of these energy centers within the body.

With love and gratitude.

Jennifer Lynch

RMT, M.OMSc, RYS 200
Mind and Body Coach





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